Whether you want to help
stop circumcision
or protect a single child, the Intactivîsm page can help, from baby steps for
the beginner to novel ideas for the hard-core activist.
Circumcision documentary titled "Mother, Why Was I Circumcised?" in Quicktime format with permission from the director/vlogger.
Full-Length Articles (TIPS)
Separated at Birth from Men's Health magazine, subtitled "Did Circumcision Ruin Your Sex Life?"
The Case
Against Circumcision from Mothering magazine is a great read for future moms.
Four-page version also available
Four-page version without baby
3x5 Information Cards (TIPS)
Information card topics include: Problems with the circumcised penis, benefits of the uncircumcised penis, how male circumcision affects women, foreskin "restoration" / circumcision "reversal."
(Please see the TIPS section for
advice / customizations.)
What's Wrong with Circumcision?
Bumper Stickers
Not Circumcised? Lucky Stiff! bumper stickers are free via U.S. Mail.